Applied Improv Resources
Brett Macdonald, Workshop Designer and Facilitator
Applied Improvisation is being used across many different areas of our lives, from big business, to the medical world, to caregivers. Here are some of my favourite articles, podcasts, books and videos where you can learn even more about this unique and impactful tool.
Using Improv to Unite Your Team
(Harvard Business Review)
Podcast Episodes
Circle of Change: Healing Through Humour
Ame-Lia Tamburrini of HUM Consulting, with guests Lizzie Allan & Brett Macdonald
Facilitating on Purpose: Improv in Facilitation
Beth Cougler Blom of BCB Learning with guest Brett Macdonald
Unlocking Us: The Art of Gathering
Brené Brown with guest Priya Parker
Improvising a Better World
Dan O'Connor | TEDxNapaValley
Learning Lessons Through Improv
Kelly Leonard | TEDxZumbroRiver
The Improvising Mindset: How Every Interaction Shapes Your Reality
Philippa Waller | TEDxGlasgow
Curious how to bring this impactful tool to your workplace?
Now's a good time for us to start the conversation!
Allow me to create a customized workshop experience, and witness your team find connection and build collaboration.